Archivio | 20/05/2024

Ritmo – Rhythm

🌸Ritmo 🌸

Cuore aperto raccoglie
espande e si manifesta
al ritmo continuo di parole
per dare vivo significato
ad ogni battito e silenzio

01.03.2023 Poetyca

Open heart collects
expands and manifests itself
to the continuous rhythm of words
to give meaning
with every beat and silence

01.03.2023 Poetyca

Nuova poesia – New poetry

Nuova poesia

Il volto di un attimo
che era smarrito al gelo,
un’ apertura d’ali
per la ricerca del sereno:
frullio d’un passero
che torna al nido
e ricama nuova poesia.

26.01.2007 Poetyca

New poetry

The face of a moment
that was lost to frost,
a ‘wingspan
Search the serene
flutter of a sparrow
returning to the nest
embroider and new poetry.

01/26/2007 Poetyca

Senza timore – Without fear

🌸Senza timore🌸

Chi è consapevole
non può più tacere
ma deve raccogliere
tutte le proprie forze
ed accendere pace
senza nulla temere

22.09.2023 Poetyca
🌸Without fear

Who is aware
he can no longer remain silent
but he must collect
all your strength
and ignite peace
without fearing anything

22.09.2023 Poetyca

Follia – Folly – Nietzsche


C’è sempre un pò
di follia nell’ amore.
Ma c’è sempre anche
un pò di ragione nella follia.


There’s always a little
  of madness in love.
But it’s always there too
  a bit of reason in the madness.



John Mayall (Macclesfield, 29 novembre 1933) è un cantante, armonicista, chitarrista, e tastierista inglese di fama internazionale, per lungo tempo il punto di riferimento fondamentale per la scena blues del suo paese.[1].

Il suo complesso, i Bluesbreakers, ha rappresentato la formazione di transizione e di connessione tra il blues revival degli anni cinquanta e il blues rock degli anni sessanta.[2]

Particolarmente capace nella scoperta di grandissimi talenti, dal gruppo di Mayall sono nati musicisti come Jack Bruce, Eric Clapton, Mick Taylor, Larry Taylor e Peter Green.

Tra gli album più significativi: Blues Breakers with Eric Clapton, Crusade, The Turning Point e ‘Jazz Blues Fusion.

John Mayall, OBE (born 29 November 1933) is an English blues singer, guitarist, organist and songwriter, whose musical career spans over fifty years. In the 1960s, he was the founder of John Mayall & the Bluesbreakers, a band which has counted among its members some of the most famous blues and blues rock musicians. They include Eric Clapton, Peter Green, Jack Bruce, John McVie, Mick Fleetwood, Mick Taylor, Don “Sugarcane” Harris, Harvey Mandel, Larry Taylor, Aynsley Dunbar, Hughie Flint, Jon Hiseman, Dick Heckstall-Smith, Andy Fraser, Johnny Almond, Walter Trout, Coco Montoya and Buddy Whittington.

Incanto vivo – Enchanting alive- Haiku

Incanto vivo – Haiku
Gioco di ombre
in colori serali:
Incanto vivo

10.05.2017 Poetyca

Enchanting alive – Haiku

Shadow play
In evening colors:
Enchant alive

10.05.2017 Poetyca

Sonic Youth

I Sonic Youth sono stati un gruppo alternative/noise rock statunitense, formatosi nel 1981 a New York. Hanno all’attivo oltre 20 album. I componenti del gruppo sono Kim Gordon, Thurston Moore, Lee Ranaldo e Steve Shelley.

Partiti dall’esperienza no-wave e dall’avanguardia rock chitarristica dell’ensemble di Glenn Branca (del quale lo stesso Ranaldo ha fatto parte collaborando all’incisione di The Ascension) i Sonic Youth si propongono di creare un proprio carattere espressivo attraverso la sperimentazione delle possibilità offerte da strumenti rock convenzionali come basso, chitarra e batteria. Tratti riconoscibili della loro espressione musicale sono l’utilizzo di accordature “alternative”, chitarra preparata e di feedback, l’improvvisazione come valido ausilio creativo ed espressivo (vedi Velvet Underground) e l’eliminazione delle barriere distintive tra strumenti solisti e strumenti ritmici.

In trent’anni di carriera, i Sonic Youth sono diventati un’autentica istituzione della scena alternativa americana e
mondiale.Il gruppo si è sciolto nel 2011
Sonic Youth was an American rock band from New York City, formed in 1981. Founding members Thurston Moore (guitar, vocals), Kim Gordon (bass guitar, vocals, guitar) and Lee Ranaldo (guitar, vocals) remained together for the entire history of the band, while Steve Shelley (drums) followed a series of short-term drummers in 1985, and rounded out the core line-up. In their early career Sonic Youth were associated with the no wave art and music scene in New York City. Part of the first wave of American noise rock groups, the band carried out their interpretation of the hardcore punk ethos throughout the evolving American underground that focused more on the DIY ethic of the genre rather than its specific sound.[3]

The band experienced relative commercial success and critical acclaim throughout their existence, continuing partly into the new millennium, including signing to major label DGC in 1990 and headlining the 1995 Lollapalooza festival. Sonic Youth have been praised for having “redefined what rock guitar could do”,using a wide variety of unorthodox guitar tunings and preparing guitars with objects like drum sticks and screwdrivers to alter the instruments’ timbre. The band is considered to be a pivotal influence on the alternative and indie rock movements.

In 1999 their music reached a new audience interested in 20th-century classical music and experimental music with the release of SYR4: Goodbye 20th Century, a double album of covers of avant-garde recordings that featured works by avant-garde classical composers such as John Cage, Yoko Ono, Steve Reich, Pauline Oliveros, George Maciunas, Cornelius Cardew, Nicolas Slonimsky and Christian Wolff as played by Sonic Youth along with several collaborators from the modern avant-garde music scene, such as Christian Marclay, William Winant, Wharton Tiers, Takehisa Kosugi and others.

In 2011 Ranaldo announced that the band was “ending for a while” following the separation of married couple Gordon and Moore.[5] Thurston Moore updated and clarified the position in May 2014: “Sonic Youth is on hiatus. The band is a democracy of sorts, and as long as Kim and I are working out our situation, the band can’t really function reasonably.”[6] Gordon refers several times in her 2015 autobiography Girl in a Band to the band having “split up”