
[youtube https://youtu.be/hIuOz8vycWc]

Gli Ultravox sono un gruppo di musica new wave formato a Londra nel 1973. All’inizio della loro carriera, il nome del gruppo era Ultravox! (col punto esclamativo finale), per richiamare quello dei tedeschi Neu!, e tale rimase per i primi due album.

La carriera del gruppo viene marcatamente divisa in due periodi, ossia quello dal 1974 al 1979, guidato dal leader John Foxx, e quello dal 1979 al 1988, segnato dal suo sostituto Midge Ure.


Ultravox (formerly known as Ultravox!) are a British new wave band, formed in London in 1974 as Tiger Lily. Between 1980–86, they scored seven Top Ten albums and seventeen Top 40 singles in the UK, the most successful of which was their 1981 hit “Vienna”.

The band has been led by two different frontmen who never played together in the band at the same time. From 1974 until 1979, singer John Foxx was frontman and the main driving force behind Ultravox. Foxx left the band to embark on a solo career and, following his departure, with the three remaining members in hiatus, Midge Ure took over as lead singer, guitarist and frontman in 1980 after he and keyboardist Billy Currie worked in the studio project Visage. Ure revitalised the band and steered it to commercial success lasting until the mid-1980s. Ure left the band in 1987 after establishing his own solo career and the group disbanded for a while. A new line-up, led by Currie, was formed in 1992, but achieved little success.

The band’s best-known line-up of Currie, Ure, bassist Chris Cross and drummer Warren Cann reformed in 2008 and performed a series of reunion shows in 2009 and 2010 before releasing a new studio album, Brill!ant, in May 2012. In November 2013, Ultravox performed as special guests on a four date UK arena tour with Simple Minds.


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